2025 Travel Tryout Schedule can be found here.


  • Boys and girls will hold four sessions of tryouts.

  • Players must attend tryouts to ensure they get evaluated fairly.

  • All participants must be wearing the required equipment.

  • There is no minimum requirements for GYL tryouts. We receive mails about missing tryouts for a variety of reasons and we respect all of them. We have made it very clear that in order for your boys and girls to get the best possible evaluation, they should attend all 4 tryouts. We understand there are conflicts.

  • Any player who does not try out will automatically be rostered on a 5/6 red or white or a 7/8 red or white team

  • GYL has a minimum number of 8-10 selectors that do their best to evaluate each child.

  • The teams are grade specific. The profile for these teams change every year due to the changes in grade enrollment.

  • We do our best to accommodate all participants and have not, to date, had to cut any players from our travel program.

  • Our ultimate goal is to place each child on the team they would benefit most. The most effective way to do this is to show up for all travel tryouts.

  • We ask that all parents respect the decisions of the selectors and not interfere with the process. Players, coaches, and parents are asked to sign a commitment letter and code of conduct. It asks you to make lacrosse your priority in the Spring. It also asks you to be respect toward one another.

  • Lacrosse should be the number one sport for the Spring season. If you expect to have reasonable playing time on your assigned team then you are expected to make every practice and game scheduled, except for school and family reasons.

  • If lacrosse is not your number one Spring sport or you do not attend any tryouts, you will be placed on a team as determined by the selectors.


  • Can my child make an A or B team after one session? Yes, although it is the rare exception.

  • What if I can only attend two tryouts? This is your decision, not ours. The more you showcase your skills and athleticism, the better the chance to make an appropriate team.

  • Does GYL respect other commitments? Absolutely! It is why we have 4 tryouts over 2 weekends.

  • Does going to all 4 tryouts ensure better placement? Not necessarily. GYL tryouts are about the quality of your child’s performance. In most cases, we have found that a player gets the most appropriate placement with more “looks”.

  • There is a conflict between my child’s school break and tryouts - what do I do? GYL tryouts have been on the same two weekends for more than a decade. Tryouts begin in March so we can maximize our schedule and allow our teams to practice prior to the start of the CONNY season. We recommend your child attends as many tryouts as possible.

  • Do I need to email the coaches if I am going to miss While we appreciate your thoughtfulness, it is not necessary during tryouts. We take attendance at each session and trust that you have a commitment that precludes you from attending.

  • My child made the team. Now what? GYL requires you to be committed throughout the entire season once the teams are placed. We respect all family, school, and religious conflicts. But, this must be your Spring season extra-curricular activity. There will be loss of playing time and possible dismissal from the team for unexcused absences.

  • What day of the week will my child practice? It depends on what team your child is placed on. Typically teams practice on Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 to 7:30pm. And, there will be a practice and/or game on both Saturday and Sundays.

  • How do I plan for tryouts? Simple. For the past 15+ years, tryouts commence on the first Saturday in March. They are typically held on that first weekend and the following weekend in March.

Intro to Travel Evaluation Information (Boys and Girls Grade 3-4)

  • All information will be e-mailed to participants after House League begins.