GYL COVID-19 GUIDANCE BASED ON CDC & CT Department of health

  1. WEAR A MASK! EVERYONE (parents, coaches, players, caregivers) must be masked when entering the field, on the field, and leaving the field.

  2. Maintain 6 feet physical distancing off the field.  Yes, this includes parents on the sidelines.  Per Connecticut guidelines, one parent/caregiver per player.

  3. Do NOT attend GYL if not feeling well or experiencing any COVID symptoms (fever, chills, cough body aches, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, lack of taste or smell, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, difficulty breathing, fatigue).

  4. Do NOT attend GYL if under investigation for COVID or had an exposure to COVID. 

  5. Do NOT attend GYL if a family/household member is COVID positive or is under investigation for COVID.

  6. If a player tests positive for COVID, the parent must notify the coach and email

  7. A COVID positive player requires a physician clearance note emailed to their coach and to PRIOR to returning to play. 

  8. GYL protocols will follow and change based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and Connecticut State Department of Public Health COVID guidelines and requirements, including CT COVID travel guidelines.

    NOTE: a close contact of a known COVID-19 case is ordinarily required to quarantine for 14 days. However, they may now return to play after 10 days if they: (i) obtain a negative PCR result after day 8; and (ii) experienced no symptons at any time during the quarantine. Click here for the latest Connecticut DHP guidance.

  9. Each player must have their own reusable water bottle that is VERY CLEARLY marked with the player's name. 

  10. Have fun and be respectful of the protocols!