GYL COVID-19 GUIDANCE BASED ON CDC & CT Department of health


  1. EVERYONE (parents, coaches, players, caregivers) must wear a mask at all times on the GYL fields and on the sidelines.

  2. Playing lacrosse outside with a mask does not constitute a COVID close contact/exposure.

What to do if your child tests positive for COVID

  1. Your child must isolate at home for 10 days from the date of initial symptoms. If your child had no symptoms, then you isolate at home from the date of the COVID positive test.

  2. Your child CAN NOT return to GYL until she or he completes the 10 day isolation AND receives a physician clearance/return to play note. The physician clearance must be e-mailed GYL at prior to play. 

  3. Please e-mail GYL at if your child is positive positive. GYL will then notify the player’s team in order to quickly identify any close contacts.

What to do if your child is a significant/close contact of a COVID positive person

  1. Your child must complete at 14 day quarantine from the last exposure to the COVID positive person.

  2. Your child CAN NOT return to GYL until she or he completes a 14 day quarantine.

  3. Your child CAN NOT decrease the 14-day quarantine with a negative COVID test.


  1. A person within 6 feet of someone with COVID (mask or no mask) for a total of 15 minutes or more within a 24 hour period.

  2. A person who provided care at home to someone who had COVID.

  3. A person who had direct physical contact with someone who has COVID (e.g. hugging, kissing).

  4. A person who ate less than 6 feet apart with a COVID positive person for more than 15 minutes or shared eating/drinking utensils.

  5. A person who carpooled with someone for more than 15 minutes (mask or no mask) and was not 6 feet part from the COVID positive person.

  6. A person who experienced a COVID positive person sneezing or coughing on them.

  7. A person told by the CT Department of Health or their school that they are a significant/close contact and must complete a 14 day quarantine.

  8. Playing lacrosse outside with a mask does not constitute a COVID close contact/exposure.

Note: A fully vaccinated person who has a significant/close contact with a COVID positive person does not need quarantine. A fully vaccinated person is 14 days or more post their second Moderna or Pfizer dose or 14 days past their JnJ dose.


Guidance updated on 4/15/2021